Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Man Creating Life

      If I was given the power to create life, I would not accept the offer. Creating a man is not my responsibility. Giving life to a man does not mean he has a soul. There are many reasons why a human should not create life. If someone could bring a man to life, then it would defeat the purpose of religion. The world would become a war zone.

      The story Frankenstein is a really good example of the reason why not to create life. He created a "monster", so to speak. The life he created was not human. He was more like a grown man with a kid's mind, but because he was grown, he had the ability to act out his thoughts. Babies can not act out their thoughts because they are not strong enough. They can be stopped before they succeed in destroying something. A grown man would be harder to control.
        If a human created life, the world would have conflict. This would alter the belief in a higher power. Most countries in the world believe in a higher being as the one who creates life. Everyone would question each other. Most people would probably try to assassinate the person who created life because of their religious beliefs. Although this person would be famous, he wouldn't be awed upon. He would be fighting for his life.

        In conclusion, I still would not create life, nor would I encourage someone else to if they had the power. Stress would be the only thing they know for the rest of their life. Trying to have the power to control a human just because you created them is a ridiculous thought because it is impossible. Also, the world would have their say-so and then try to take matters into their own hands.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Frankenstein Thoughts Blog Post #2

       My initial thoughts about the content of Frankenstein are that I might actually be interested in what we are reading. I am most likely going to enjoy this story because Frankenstein is an odd story. This story captures interest and brings you out of reality making you use your imagination.
      A woman at the age of 19 wrote this story. She must have had a very wide imagination and fantasy land to write this story. Most people would not have the ability to write a novel on the lines of this story simply because it is unthought of.
     Man can not create life other than reproduction. A man does not have the ability to create a spirit. There is more to a man than a brain and a heart. He must have a soul. We as human beings do not have the ability, nor the right, to create a human spirit.
     Immortality does not exist. If you are a follower of Christ then you would believe the same. No one can have life forever. Being immortal means you will never die, but every human deserves to die. Why would anyone want to live forever? They would go through every kind of pain over and over again without dying. So what's the point in that?
    Some people let themselves become monsters inside because of the environment around them. Others have monsters inside them from the experiences they have been through. Most people handle them well. Some people lock their emotions inside of them and not let them out. It all depends on the person and how they approach their problems. Everyone is different.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Theme Word

Success. A successful life. Successful mindset. As in, Caitlin's success.

I chose the word success because it is almost time to make a new beginning. The time is coming to start my ACTs and my search for a really good college. My plan this year is to take the ACT four times. The succession in this is that the more I practice, the better I will get. The scores are more than likely going to increase, making more successful college choices. My grades in high school are going to increase because I am going to work harder to succeed, especially in my science and anatomy classes.

Also, I will succeed in relationships. Not necessarily boyfriend/girlfriend relationships but parent/child and friend relationships too. The success in this category is the wanted social life. Having good relationships with people is very healthy. So instead of being shy when I first meet people, I am going to be outgoing and introduce myself first.

My life from this point on is going to revolve around success. Keep in mind that I'm not setting a goal to be materialistic, only to succeed and live a happy and healthy life. Succession can be more than having a good career or making good money. To me, succeeding is being happy with the person you are and the life you lead. That is the reason success is my 2012 theme word.